Friday, March 11, 2011

It’s MAC’s Office

Microsoft Office - productivity suite, since 1980’s have been involved in development of a creative product suite known as Office for Mac. Initially, Macintosh applications used to exclusively support Mac OSX, whilst, their customers needed some unique bundle sets which is renowned universally, hence, Office for Mac. Though the software package is developed and sold for Mac, but the proprietary of Microsoft Office remains solely with Microsoft. Over last two decades, whatever improvements were done to Microsoft Office Windows, all such modifications were equally done on Office for Mac depending upon contractual terms.

Technically, Office for Mac is written in C++ and Cocoa language by teams of software developers from Microsoft and Mac. Not only desktop applications, but Server applications for Microsoft Office are readily made available for Mac. All major applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook are refurbished annually for Mac by tweaking few Microsoft Office programs. Office for Mac has made considerable profit margins for both organizations, sometimes more than parent Microsoft Office suite. People are eventually moving towards a Mac – Microsoft era, where both companies generate valuable applications. With every milestone achieved and eminences gathered, despite the Microsoft proprietary, people would say – It’s MAC’s Office.